He is so irresistible. And every time I turned around, I was looking into the face of another long-time friend and seeing the same thing written there. (for the first time)
I can’t remember another time when one moment, I could be speeding down an icy road on a sled, surrounded by shouts of laughter and high spirits, and the next moment be on my back looking up at the blue sky saying “My Jesus, I love You…” (And the next moment be speeding down the icy hill again.)
I have never seen so much of Jesus in His children… Everywhere I turned, I caught another glimpse of His face.
Our world is changing…
Or maybe not.
Maybe we’re just tasting more of His grace… And He’s changing the things we love, and the things we live for. Maybe that’s why we don’t pray for happiness, but for usefulness. Why we gladly exchange fun times for the pursuit of His glory…
I never imagined that broken pieces could be this happy…
Grace is power.
What it touches, changes.
Eternal Weight of Glory, serving You is joy unspeakable!
Please keep us in Your hand…
(…and smiles in the shade)
Michigan: Ministry, and beloved old stomping grounds
I grew up back here…
(And the old swing is still there, 12 years later.)
San Diego: Speaking at AMEN Conference
East Tennessee: Another friend’s wedding… 🙂
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