Home again, after two weeks away…
I’ve decided something– Well, I knew it before, but I’m sure now.
There’s nothing worth more than ministry. Service is absolutely priceless…
If you haven’t tried it lately, you cannot know…
There’s something unutterably thrilling about doing your earnest part to prepare, then losing all your work at the last minute, and finding yourself on your knees saying: “Ok, what did You want me to say…”
-Something incredibly fulfilling (the ultimate “filling you full” experience) about trembling on your knees 5 seconds before taking the pulpit, then standing up to perfect confidence…
-Something life changing about watching lives change before your very eyes…
-Something mind boggling about preaching for an hour, then having no idea what you said… (No credit to you!)
-Something priceless about standing in front of scores of young people for whom you have been given a great love, and watching the tears flow while you sing (and try to check your own)…
There’s something eternal, something unequivocally impossible- the work of transcendent grace and unbounded love- about being used as a mouthpiece for Heaven itself– for God Himself…
Especially when you remember that you are really proud, and selfish, and mean, and arrogant, sluggish, short-sighted, poor, miserable, blind, and naked, at your best…
Now, does ministry always look like that?
No, but even if it did only once every two lifetimes, the lifetime spent without would be more than worth it….
And even if it never did, there’s something magnificent about giving and never getting anything in return…
The books will be balanced in Heaven.

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