Isaiah 66
Isaiah 13
Victory is promised…
In fact, the more haughty and seemingly invincible the enemy, the more thorough it’s destruction in the end.
Every power under heaven is ultimately subordinate to His master plan…
Uuuhh, why was I fretting??
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“Soldiers engaged in battle have to meet difficulties and hardships. Coarse food is given them, and that often in limited quantities. They have long marches, day by day, over rough roads and under burning suns, camping out at night, sleeping on the bare ground, with only the canopy of heaven for a covering, exposed to drenching rains and chilling frosts, hungry, faint, exhausted, now standing as a target for the foe, now in deadly encounter. Thus they learn what hardship means. Those who enlist in Christ’s army are also expected to do difficult work, and to bear painful trials patiently for Christ’s sake….After gaining one advantage, you must do battle again.”
stEveryone has at least some experience with change… Some people fly at it just for fun, while some keep a tenacious grip on the “known” as long as they can…
Either way, as long as they are walking with Him, a son or daughter of God can trust, because He is worthy…
And with little regard to how dark or narrow the road is in the moment, they can walk straight and tall… right on into victory.
Because “like the stars in the vast circuit of their appointed path, God’s purposes know no haste and no delay…” and I might add, no defeat…
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