I figure my phone deserves to rest at night. So, unless I’m “on call” for someone, it slips into airplane mode at or around 2100.
Unremarkable practice.
Albeit, the implications of this simple habit have recently opened my eyes to a stubborn and surprising reality, and caused me to be confronted with this question I’m now passing along.
There are a good many factors that go into making a day great. And also a fair few that can ruin a good start. I’ve found one of them. It’s those first 60 seconds after the alarm sings…
I reach for my phone; sigh all content. Blink, blink, blink away the last of sleep. (I was only half sleeping.) A swipe of the phone sweeps Waves into memory, until tomorrow this time. Another swipe and the little machine reaches out to the invisible, to start downloading the day.
Do I?
If I’m brave, my feet are on the floor before it starts to buzz. Notification Center all alight. I have friends on every inhabited continent, so in my world it’s always day somewhere. Maybe they liked my last photo on Instagram?
That right there is where it starts. I can predict with almost unerring accuracy the sense and sensitivity at my disposal in the day to follow. By who I check in with first.
It’s such a little thing.
Yes. But these little things are pledges of allegiance, of which we’re sometimes quite unaware.
And anyway, don’t knock little things.
(Bullets are little things.)
The 5 Questions. (Time for a self-test.)
1. At the start of the day, which comes first: Facebook Notifications, or an hour of Scripture?
2. At the breakfast table, does the prayer come from a heart actually full of gratitude, or does it sound suspiciously like yesterday’s?
3. At school, which drives harder: Desire for grades, or desire for God?
4. At home, which seems sweeter: An hour of entertainment, or an hour of intercession?
5. In bed, which lingers longer: The frolic of the day, or thoughts of heaven?
I’ve learned a day is worth too much to lose, by reefing through notifications before I’ve read my Bible. And not because my notifications are my enemy. Because at the end of the day, my priorities are making a statement to myself.
So, I won’t anymore. And I’ve found, I no longer care to. I’d rather meet God first, declare to Him and to myself that in Him is my greatest pleasure; would rather let the whole world wait, make notifications come and stand in a line at attention for an hour, while I take my time.
Oh, and it’s not that I don’t care. If you sent me a text at 0200 this morning, I can’t wait to read it.
I still love Jesus more.
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