Unsatisfied By Average

The Musings of a Stubborn Believer

Category: truly beautiful

What Really Counts

Around the world, and back again…

Part of my heart is still in Southeast Asia. 
What remains of me has been completely transformed. 
I’m an American. Make no mistake. 
But I don’t see the world like the typical American. Not any more…
I cross the threshold back into my office/studio/bedroom at 0300, clap twice. Soft lights around the perimeter of the ceiling surge, illuminate the place. I stop and stare.
Is this my world?
Morning light comes. (3 hours later.)
I press the silver button that will bring my MacPro to life. It doesn’t. 
I hear the sounds of a failing hard drive.
Thank you Jesus!
No, I’m serious. That’s exactly what I said. 
Do you know that stress is a choice?
Do you know that life is about much more than emails, work, school, stuff?
Or shall I say, much less?

Ask my Cambodian friends.
I work in the garden instead of the office. Then I leave home again, after 48 hours. In my flip flops. My dead computer stays. I thank Jesus for [another] Seagate failure all the way to Oklahoma… 
Because to eat, to sleep, to pray…
To serve,

this is life. 

And my computer, and my email, and my to-do list… These other things that dominate when someone asks me what I’m going to do today? 
Those are actually accessories.
On this trip, the accessories stayed home. My iPhone went to Europe in Joshua’s pocket. 
And I just loved people.

I’ve never felt so alive.

More to Give. Much more…

It was a simple little lesson… Brought to me by the most gracious people I have ever met. But it stirs me even now–
He or she who has lost, and yet loved, may indeed have less to lose… 
But also unspeakably more to give. 
I have learned that gentleness, selflessness, real warmth and grace are seldom owned in their depth by those who have not tasted sorrow. 
They are trophies won in the face of pain and loss.  
But they make their possessors the richest, most beautiful people in the world…
So, to my new friends– 
Your love through loss has been the gain of thousands…
Thank you.


Isaiah 27

It is the epicenter of His pleasure and delight– His vineyard. The place where His fruit grows…
And keeping it safe and beautiful at every moment is His top priority. But here he doesn’t use guards and towers to keep it from harm. He uses a constant supply of water…
Because that which is spirit-saturated is indestructible. 


Isaiah 4
The heart that belongs to God is purged. (v.4) It must be so.  
But herein lies its glory– its everything… 
For when it is purged, it is “clean,” and “beautiful,” “excellent,” “appealing,” “holy,” “glorious,”…

Really Winning…

I’m weary of hearing cheap scandals promise triumph when all they have to back them is moral insanity, and shameless fraud…
Here’s the alternative: The real ways to win…
“If young [people] make their model an exalted one, having pure morals and firm principles, and if blended with this are affability and true Christian courtesy, there is a refined perfection to the character which will win its way anywhere, and a powerful influence will be wielded in favor of virtue, temperance, and righteousness. Such characters will be of the highest value to society, more precious than gold. Their influence is for time and for eternity.”*
Win its way anywhere?? Even infidels call that “really winning.”

*My Life Today, April 27

A Year Full of Promise…

I learned something this morning…
Gold is most dazzling in its liquid form…
Wood is most colorful when it’s about to turn to ashes…
And the face of Jesus was “never more beautiful” than when stained with blood, and showing the marks of pain and exhaustion. (Desire of Ages – “In Pilate’s Judgement Hall”)
There’s something there for me. And something tells me I’m going to find it this year… 
Especially if I intend to reveal through my life the beauty of the King in more dazzling color than ever. 
That is my prayer. That is my intention. Oh, give me Jesus…
And oh, if you are a child of the Highest, and if you have read this post, pray for me.