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The Musings of a Stubborn Believer

Nothing Compares…

Isaiah 31
It’s nice to know our Master stands head and shoulders taller than all of His rivals. (Isaiah 31:3) No other empire compares… 
But perhaps more phenomenal is the fact that our Master’s servants can also stand head and shoulders above their rivals. Because no power compares to that at their disposal. 
And yet, the kingdom of Heaven is likened to a mustard seed. Seems like a humble beginning for the greatest of herbs…
There’s a little lesson there… 
Think about it.  


  1. Hmm… the lesson… Could it be, that God can make something BIG come out of something so small… that He can make something GREAT come out of something so poor?? Ahhhh… I see. 🙂

  2. …and something beautiful out of something so… not. Like me… That's the power of grace… 🙂

  3. Yeah. 🙂 I was thinking that too…

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