Unsatisfied By Average

The Musings of a Stubborn Believer


Deep sigh. 
Staring at nothingness. 
I leaned back in my desk chair while the reality settled in… 
“…He is pleading His wounds—‘My hands, my hands!’ ‘I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands.’”*
And all at once I closed my eyes and I could almost see Him… 
–See Him standing in the throne room, turning for just a moment from the painful sight of yet another failure, to face His Father.
With tears in His eyes, and tears in His voice–
 Abba, My hands…
Look at My hands!”
*  *  *  *  *  *  *  
You and I know those beautiful hands were forever ruined saving us. A friend of mine once noted that they might be more than just perpetually scabbed. What if they are permanently disfigured? 
My hands tremble, and my eyes fill with tears, even as I type. 
But you know what moves me yet more?
It’s the second part. 
“I have graven thee…” 
It’s my name that is carved on His beautiful hands. Carved with a Roman nail.   
My name is a scar on His perfect Person. 
But He is not ashamed of me. 
Indeed not. Rather, He holds me up before His Father, and says “Look at My hands…”
And “swift angels are sent to minister to fallen man, to lift up and to sustain.”*
This is Love. 
Only love can call scars trophies. 

*{RH January 4, 1887, par. 15}


  1. It's strange–no, providential–that you wrote about scars. This morning I studied wounds, both self-inflicted and those caused by others. God can heal the wounds, but we still bear the scars throughout our lifetimes (MYP 382).

    Your post really brought this concept home. When we sin, we are wounding ourselves. These wounds are healed because of the pleading of our High Priest. His scars heal us…

    Lord, thank you for engraving us on the palms of your hands. Now help us to "go and sin no more…"

  2. Ahh yes… Healing at His expense. Like I read this morning, "We owe everything to grace."

  3. Amen….thank you for sharing Sean. Just this morning I was trying to grasp such a love as well…. "Such love is without a parallel. Children of the heavenly King! Precious promise! Theme for the most profound meditation! The matchless love of God for a world that did not love Him!" Wow….It leaves me speechless!

  4. I read in Matthew 27 again this morning, the Crucifixion.

    That is "Love"
    Oh and does it not call from us a life of loving service to Him who paid so much….. to bear my pain, to bestow Heavens blessing of Life on me?
    Service to such a One becomes joy indeed!
    _Thank You_

  5. Amen… Praise God, Johannes!
    And @Abby, I'm speechless too…

    Again, I read this morning– "God spared nothing"…
    His children will partake of His same spirit, sparing nothing for a planet in chains.

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