Unsatisfied By Average

The Musings of a Stubborn Believer

Taste of the Tour

Words fail of conveying sufficient depth and gravity.
Clichés like: “I’ll never be the same” apply, but still don’t tell it like it is…

I throb thankfulness while I grope for expressions worthy, and finally conclude-

Our best statements are understatements.

Because once again, our God has outdone Himself, blessing when we went to bless.
How I needed the quiet. How I needed to see the rocks that cried red. How I needed the battle to refocus. How I needed to be broken and healed, raised up out of weakness, charged to fight…
Reminded that I am nothing.
Reminded that “All things work together for good…”

All things.

Thank You Jesus.
Thank you, beautiful friends from all over the continent…

We love you…

Taste of the Tour from Sean Nebblett on Vimeo.


  1. "Words fail of conveying sufficient depth and gravity"

    You have to experience it to be able to believe it, there is nothing like it!

  2. "Our best statements are understatements"… So beautiful, so true…

  3. Very nice Sean! It seems indeed difficult to express in words what we have experienced last week.

  4. Beautiful! Praise God! Thanks for posting;)

    Missing you all muchly……..

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