Unsatisfied By Average

The Musings of a Stubborn Believer

Strength and Joy

Pounding out (up, actually) mile number 4 yesterday, my brain tells me “You’re going to die. As in, now.” 
But as Providence would have it, I run listening to one of my favorite audiobooks. And the girl reading through my workout playlist was at just the right spot on the page…
“Those who decline the struggle lose the strength and joy of victory.”

Well timed.
I laugh. Breathe. Run a bit faster
Thanks Allie. 


  1. Wow! That photo is epic! I assume you took it? What lens?

  2. 😀 unfortunately, I can take no credit for that one. It's just a random google image that expresses the point eloquently.

  3. Too bad Sean you could have become famous for this one:(

  4. Ah yes! And the sentence before your highlight… "Not even God can make our characters noble or our lives useful, unless we become co-workers with Him."

    BTW, which book were you listening to? If it was Ministry of Healing, that's one of my very favorite books!

  5. Technically, Help in Daily Living. (last few chapters of MH.) 🙂 Scores
    pretty high on my list too.

  6. Reminds me of this morning when I had to ride a 10km round trip (on my bicycle) to get something. It was a challenge getting up all those hills, but the victory was definitely worth the struggle! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  7. Haha! I just now saw this. I didn't follow your blog at all until today. Praise God if what I read was a blessing. Thanks for reminding me of those words. I needed them just now.
    I was wondering why you followed my blog. I've never even met you! Haha! Although, I hear you know a couple of my friends: Aubrey Seiler, Chelsea Bond, or Nick Knecht?

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