For lots of reasons. Not the least of which being huge windows wide open…
with no screens.
We’re safe, and snug, and thankful in Torre Pellice. More in the morning. 🙂
For lots of reasons. Not the least of which being huge windows wide open…
with no screens.
We’re safe, and snug, and thankful in Torre Pellice. More in the morning. 🙂
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August 1, 2011 at 8:24 pm
Seán, send my greetings to Europe and your family… Are you staying in someone's home in Europe?
August 1, 2011 at 9:01 pm
I'm so happy to hear that you have arrived safely! We know God has divine opportunities ahead and continue to keep you in our prayers!
P.S. I absolutely love those wide open windows too! 🙂
August 1, 2011 at 9:09 pm
Torre Pellice… enjoy! Elisha and I loved it when we visited last year. I guess you're visiting the Waldensian Alps?
August 2, 2011 at 12:22 am
Absolute, uncontainable jealousy…
I was there for a portion of my senior trip a few years back. Is that by any chance Danielle's house you're staying at?
August 2, 2011 at 6:37 am
@Cherith: This is indeed Waldensian country… 🙂 and we'll be traversing mountains and valleys all day.
@Beth: You too? 😀 We were just peeking at Danielle's guestbook over breakfast pointing out people we know. Sweet lady…