God has been faithful. Once again His grace has proven to be all we need…
And He has taught us to sing a deeper song of thanks through the last week.
So to all those who have prayed for, encouraged and supported us through this venture… A hundred times Thank You.
The real work has only now begun… And just hours after the last track was bounced out to rough mix 1.0 (to signal the beginning of listening, editing, tuning, re-mixing, tweaking, re-listening, re-listening, re-listening and re-listening,) half of my office/studio got packed in boxes for a two week jaunt to Oklahoma (where I am cumbersomely typing this post.)
So, the "behind the scenes" clips will be a bit delayed until I can access real internet. 🙂 But I will post them, notwithstanding rough audio…..
Whatever is worthy is God's gift.
Thanks to you…
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March 30, 2011 at 2:31 pm
Looking forward to the "behind the scenes" clips and, ultimately, the final product! 🙂
See you all in a week… Blessings!
April 3, 2011 at 3:27 pm
Thanks, for taking the time to do this, Seán. It is a tremendous blessing when people take the time to create CDs of real, heavenly music. I am excited to see the clips and, (when it comes out) the final product!