When we get to Heaven, come find me in the library at the University of the Universe…
I’ll be studying two things:
Love, and music…
“Love is oneness– oh, how sweet
To obey this law,
The unlovely we may meet
Need our love the more.
Make us one, O love, we plead
With men’s sorrow and their need.
We are one in needing love,
(Let us true love show)
Only love’s sun from above
Makes our spirits grow.
‘Love us!’ this is our heart’s need,
‘Let us love’ –and live indeed!
We are also one in this,
We must love or die,
Loving others is true bliss,
Self-love is a lie!
Love of self is inward strive,
Love turned outward is true life.
Let us love and fruitful be,
Love is God’s own breath,
Love will kindle love and see
New life born from death.
Nowhere is a heaven more sweet
Than where loving spirits meet.”
Mountains of Spices: pages 46-47
November 22, 2010 at 6:16 pm
That book is amazing, is it not? The King of Love is more than beautiful! And His power to save to the uttermost even the most wretched…
And to see the individual love and attention He gives each of His lambs. As if they were the only one in the whole wide world to love…
November 22, 2010 at 6:33 pm
"That book" and three others have done more to make me love being a Christian than… almost anything else.
November 24, 2010 at 2:32 pm
Who is the book by? It sounds like a wonderful book, and I might like to get my hands on one! 🙂 I love good books and I love to read inspiring things.
November 24, 2010 at 4:28 pm
It is by Hannah Hurnard… Actually, the second in a set of two.