“Lean harder…”
The ground dropped away before them, a steep rocky slope covered by an unstable mat of pine needles.
“My footing will be better with both your weight and mine.”

Suddenly there was a solidity of step, as the weight on the shuffling feet was trusted to stronger ones downhill.
. . . . . .
Hours later I thought:
God is like that.
He needs all of my weight for optimum footing in my life.
I can insist on using my lame feet when the slope is particularly scary,
but I put myself at risk for a fall…
Jesus, help me remember.
June 3, 2011 at 6:16 pm
Amen…may I be more willing to place my hand in His…and trust everything to His care. Thanks Sean for the reminder.
June 5, 2011 at 3:48 am
Thank you so much. So often I try to do things in my own strength when I really should be leaning completely on Jesus.
June 6, 2011 at 3:29 pm
Wow. What an object lesson. It touched my heart. Thank you for sharing, Seán.