I love that word.
David says they’re the strong ones, and the free… (Ps. 28:7, 8)
The kings and queens, and priests… Royal. Privileged.
I personally can’t get over the fact that they’ve been touched, prayed over, blessed by God Himself.
The rabbit trail I took through Strong’s landed me in a familiar place, quite possibly the single most memorized chapter in scripture.
But familiar words took on unfamiliar meaning as I saw in them the God that is everything, increasingly (the everything that has no end) to me.
I know the words in english. But if Strong’s is correct, (my soul believes it is) then those words are deeper than our contemporary use of them, by far.
I read them, speak them, love them. Eyes flit back and forth between the open page, and the Strong’s app. And my heart sings something like this–
But not for a throne. Not in this verse.
This one is a relatively rare word, used 12 times, and only translated this way once.
Go look it up.
The reference is to ashes… Ashes, and fat. And “acceptance”…
May 4, 2012 at 1:12 pm
So, love, pain, and joy come in a package…hmmm…I think I'm beginning to understand. And the joy must come from knowing that all He takes away will only be replaced with better…
May 4, 2012 at 1:40 pm
WOW….I'm so gonna go study this now. ^_^ That's so fascinating, about "anointed"…definitely gotta go see this for myself. 🙂 Thanks for sharing.
May 4, 2012 at 3:56 pm
Is it not? (the best life)
May 4, 2012 at 10:20 pm
I cannot help but think of Jesus "the anointed" in Acts 4. It seems he was anointed for the same reason. Sacrifice. And now he does sit on a throne. But that throne was gained by sacrifice. And if we follow his example, our reward will be the same. See Revelation 20:4.
Too wonderful. The joy in sacrifice exceeds all joy on earth . . . and to think there is more to come . . .
I'll be pondering this one for a long time. Thanks for sharing, Sean.
May 5, 2012 at 12:41 am
Amazing! I like that "He leads me, to run with a sparkle towards peaceful waters." what a Shephard. What a Savior! What a Friend!
May 5, 2012 at 7:52 am
Thanks for sharing this thought. I've got to go study it, too. Maybe, I'll share it with the students for my next worship talk. 🙂
May 6, 2012 at 1:50 am
like he took Adams rib and gave him Eve.