The word is invigorated.
Or as my beautiful little sister put it on the way back to Boston Logan after a full weekend–
“You always end with the upper hand if you’re on the right team….”
The God we serve defies the bounds of human logic. I decided that afresh while kneeling once again by the little pile of rocks where I begged for words last week. This time, laughing and crying at once–
“My Jesus! You’re too good to be…to be…
No… Too good not to be True.”
Surrender to Conquer was the theme of the Northeast Youth Retreat this year…
And the paradox has been driven home for me.
Jesus, keep us faithful…
Photos: Elwyn Garaza & Joshua Nebblett
January 20, 2011 at 3:38 pm
Jesus really is, too good not to be true!
January 20, 2011 at 5:36 pm
Surrender to Conquer… what a theme!
Surrender to Conquer with No Turning Back…
January 20, 2011 at 5:41 pm