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The Musings of a Stubborn Believer

A Day Which Will Live in Infamy

I can think of others… Like the day Lusitania sank, or the Britannic.

But one principle pervades. Don’t ignore it for its over-simplicity.

When ships go down, they take men with them.

Men who would float, but can’t.
Can’t, because they’re surrounded (“entangled?“) by steel that won’t.

I’ve been reading II Timothy. (yes, still.)

And I’ve been chewing this one verse for days:

“No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life…” II Timothy 2:4

Because “this life,” this vessel of pleasure, is already mine-struck.

Need I repeat myself? You’re a soldier.
Make absolutely certain you are on an unsinkable ship…


  1. Amen! I have been thinking about that a lot myself lately. I think you are right on course! Keep it up!

  2. ummm…and a entangled soldier cannot fight.

  3. All I can say is, what a vers! Wow, so in our daily lives how deep dose it really go…..I mean what encompasses the affairs of this life anyway? Humm…..this is indeed a vers for thought!

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