Unsatisfied By Average

The Musings of a Stubborn Believer

We Know

I awake early. I’ve slept for only a few hours, but I am charged…
I blink at a dark room, pause to pray. To consider. To remember–


I have no idea what time it is. I don’t check.
Instead, I count God’s mercies, and beg that He will keep us His… always.
That nothing will ever induce us to chose another life. That no success, no opportunity, no open door, no pain or loss, or suffering will distract us from His claims on this little family of mine.

Hours pass. I don’t know how many. The light of dawn finally glows in the east. I reach into the leather bag I set down by my bed at 11:00 last night, pull out a book, open to December 18.

And we know that all things work together
for good to them that love God.

And we know…!” Not we think, or we hope. Not even we have faith that
No, we know.
I know. I’d love to tell you just how, sometime…

I keep reading. But I’ve been fed already.

My mind wanders back over hours of prayers in the dark. There is only one condition in this verse before my eyes. “Love God.” For those who love God, one day (quite possibly much sooner than you think) all the darkness will be understood to be exactly what it really is– a gift.

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? 
shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, 
or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?. . . 
Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors 
through Him that loved us.”


  1. These words really spoke to me Thank you for sharing…

  2. You have just echoed one of the songs in my heart lately. He has certainly given me every reason to *know* "that all things work together for good to them that love God." No exceptions. No what-if's. I am so thankful for trials, because they have been opportunities for God to "show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him." And I trust Him…I love Him more than ever. Thank you so much for sharing this. You gave me some inspiration for a new blogpost! 🙂

  3. A verse that's slowly becoming more than just mere head knowledge for me…All things work together for good…I've always known that intellectually but slowly but surely God is teaching me practically as well. Thanks for sharing…

  4. Amen! Over this past year, that verse ("And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God.") has become very real to me. I have looked for the good in everything that has happened to me, including my trials. It has been amazing the difference that it has made in my life! God is so good!

  5. "…all the darkness will be understood to be exactly what it really is– a gift." … A gift. The darkness…
    This truth. How it stills, how it quiets ones soul…
    Thank you, for blessing us with these words.

  6. Thanks Sean for the simple but profound thoughts! Always a blessing…

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