Unsatisfied By Average

The Musings of a Stubborn Believer

Why We Live

Identity determines purpose.

In other words, who you are determines what you will do.

*  *  *  *  *

I have a question for you. A question still ringing in my ears from a secret spot on a sunny hillside at Sweetwater…

Can you tell me, in 10 words or less, why you’re alive?
I mean, are you living today for a reason, or are you just breathing, working, studying…?

Let me tell you a little secret:
Identity determines purpose.
Satisfaction is the fulfillment of that purpose.

I’m blessed to be surrounded by some deep, beautiful people…
You know what we’ve been learning of late?

Just living isn’t enough.

Let me gently remind you who you are.

You’re the King’s son. The King’s daughter…
You’re the broken little lamb that the Shepherd keeps charging into the briers to rescue.
(That’s His blood on the thorns, not yours.)
You’re the pinnacle of God’s creativity.
Yes, you.

And you were created to identify with God. And for God to identify with.
And you’ve been broken, and bruised, and horribly disobedient.
But you’ve been redeemed.

That’s who you are.

So now: Your purpose… Your motto. 10 words or less?
Choose them carefully. Because in the end, they’ll be the reason why you breathe, work, studyLive.

Can I tell you why I live? Why I love, preach, blog, breathe?
Why I want to finish Nurse Practitioner and spend 6 months of 12 in a dark land?

“To Make Men Free.”


  1. Mmmm, wow, good question! Deep question…

    Mine would have to be:

    "To love Jesus and to bring others to Him"

    (That's 9 words, lest you ask.)

  2. To fight for Liberty wherever she is threatened

  3. Thank you, Sean. I needed to read that. Why I live is something I've been struggling with lately. I don't think I can answer that question at the moment…but I'm not going to forget it. (And yes, I will find the answer – my answer.)

  4. I dislike the trace of plagiarism yet this is why I live, this is why I die…

    …to invest in hearts, in brokenness, and set people free.

  5. Oh Glesni, speaking of plagiarism… I assure you, invest was on my tongue before I laid eyes on your comment! 🙂 It's a good word.

    I am blessed beyond measure. I've been gifted with life, and the King of the universe identifies Himself with me. But if I am like a stagnant pond, always taking, never giving; if heaven's gifts expire in my hands; if I will not be a conduit of life; let me die. For this is why I live, and here is purpose…

    To love whom Christ loves, and invest in Christ's investments.

    The fruits of such a life death itself cannot take from us.

  6. …For God, changing the world one person at a time…(: Starr

  7. Sarah, I have to say I identify the most with you right now. It was reassuring to know I'm not the only one who feels a bit list at the moment. I have been pondering it much of late and was surprised to see my thoughts spoken to so directly in this post. Sure I know my purpose in general is to live for Christ. But how that is specifically to happen in my life I do not know yet. Oh how I wish I did. Perhaps I'm confused. I will continue to pray for God to reveal His purpose for me to me.

  8. To work with God to reunite man with our Creator.

  9. Actually, scrap the above. That was "my" motto. Here's one that God gave me this morning that still blows my mind in its depth: "To be God's helpmeet." After all, "Thy Maker is thy husband," right?

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